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Scuba Diving Packages

Dive Rite Backplate Kit

Manufacturer Dive Rite

Package Includes:

XT1 Din First Stage Regulator

  • Balanced first stage provides consistent gas flow regardless of depth and tank pressure
  • Five low pressure ports and a swivel turret achieves optimal hose routing
  • HP ports are angled 90-degrees from the DIN fitting which gives the perfect angle for hose routing
  • Environmentally sealed to protect against internal corrosion, contaminants and freeze
  • Supplied in DIN

2 x XT2 Second Stage Regulator

  • Pneumatically balanced design gives consistent gas pressure for easy inhalation
  • Venturi assist directs airflow from the valve directly to the mouthpiece producing smooth inhalation.
  • Easy grip dive/pre-dive switch avoids free flow at surface and is suitable with gloves
  • Adjustable design helps diver fine tune cracking pressure so breathing resistance matches diver personal preference
  • Deflection ring works to maximize performance while deterring free flow
  • Orthdontic mouthpiece reduces jaw fatigue on long dives

Basic Harness is a clean, simple harness intended for use with hard metal backplates. Two-inch (50mm) nylon webbing provides strength, yet is soft and won't dig into the body. Harness is adjustable by cutting off excess webbing once diver has sized the harness to his body stature. Standard two-inch webbing allows for customization with a wide variety of pockets and accessories, depending on the needs and desires of the individual diver. Tubular webbing sleeves are included for all points where webbing comes into contact with the backplate to prevent abrasion. Includes marine-grade stainless steel hardware.

For single tank diving with Dive Rite wings you can use an optional single tank adapter if you wish. The travel wing is perfect for { 7.25 in | 12 L} cylinders like the AL80 and Steel 100. The Voyager wing is the best choice for physically larger single tanks. The Rec wing can be used with both larger singles and light doubles. The Classic wing for large doubles.

Made in the U.S.A.


Kit Includes:

1 x  Open Water Regulator Set

1 x XT Lite Backplate or Standard Backplate 

1 x Dive Rite Basic Harness

1 x Croth Strap

2 x Cam Straps 

Choose one of:

EXP Travel Wing 

EXP Voyager Wing 








Single Tank Adaptor

Dive Rite STA has been re-sized to fit squarely in the opening of our Travel and Voyager series wings. 

$ 99.00

Assembly Screws

The stainless steel assembly screws are used for attaching various accessories to a TransPac harness or to a hard backplate (such as lift bag pouches, suit inflation mounting systems and sidemount buttplates).

 Sold as a set of two.

$ 25.00

Backplate Lumbar Pad

The XT Backplate Pad's high-tech design consists of molded foam contoured in all the right places to prevent uncomfortable pokes and prods when wearing a metal backplate.

$ 119.00

Shoulder Pads

Dive Rite Shoulder Pads

$ 36.00